Lymphatics Are The Next Frontier of Discovery In Illness & Disease

Lymphatics Are The Next Frontier of Discovery In Illness & Disease

Lymphatics Are The Next Frontier of Discovery In Illness & Disease

Healing begins with cleansing the blood and lymphatic fluid.

Your lymphatic system is like a sanitation department for your body. It picks up all the trash from each house (cell). The "trash" varies depending on the the lifestyle. The lymph system, along with its immune cells, has the job of protecting and keeping the body clean.

Common lymphatic symptoms:

  • Sinus trouble
  • Asthma/allergies
  • Prostate issues
  • Cancer/disease
  • Headaches 
  • Fatigue and chronic pain
  • Poor digestion
  • Continued pain after injury
  • Swelling
  • Skin and other infections
  • Female problems
  • Premature aging
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Healing begins with cleansing the blood and lymphatic fluid.

Your lymphatic system is like a sanitation department for your body. It picks up all the trash from each house (cell). The "trash" varies depending on the the lifestyle. The lymph system, along with its immune cells, has the job of protecting and keeping the body clean.

Common lymphatic symptoms:

  • Sinus trouble
  • Asthma/allergies
  • Prostate issues
  • Cancer/disease
  • Swelling
  • Skin and other infections
  • Headaches 
  • Fatigue and chronic pain
  • Poor digestion
  • Continued pain after injury
  • Female problems
  • Premature aging
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Healing begins with cleansing the blood and lymphatic fluid.

Your lymphatic system is like a sanitation department for your body. It picks up all the trash from each house (cell). The "trash" varies depending on the the lifestyle. The lymph system, along with its immune cells, has the job of protecting and keeping the body clean.

Common lymphatic symptoms:

  • Sinus trouble
  • Asthma/allergies
  • Prostate issues
  • Cancer/disease
  • Headaches 
  • Fatigue and chronic pain
  • Poor digestion
  • Continued pain after injury
  • Swelling
  • Skin and other infections
  • Female problems
  • Premature aging
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The Three Levels of Lymphatic Healthcare

The Three Levels of Lymphatic Healthcare

At Home Lymphatic Care

  • Dry Brushing after bathing daily
  • Rebounding on a small trampoline (stimulates lymphatic fluid)
  • Walking, Yoga, and low impact exercise daily
  • Alternating between cold and hot showers

Lymphatic Massage

Manual Manipulation of the muscular and lymphatic system allows the lymph fluid to move and stimulates detox organs to eliminate naturally.

Lymphatic Enhancement Therapy

A therapy designed to detoxify soft tissue while accelerating the lymphatic fluid to flow freely through several avenues including an electrostatic current, sound waves, and BioResonance frequencies.

At Home Lymphatic Care

  • Dry Brushing after bathing daily
  • Rebounding on a small trampoline (stimulates lymphatic fluid)
  • Walking, Yoga, and low impact exercise daily
  • Alternating between cold and hot showers

Lymphatic Massage

Manual Manipulation of the muscular and lymphatic system allows the lymph fluid to move and stimulates detox organs to eliminate naturally.

Lymphatic Enhancement Therapy

A therapy designed to detoxify soft tissue while accelerating the lymphatic fluid to flow freely through several avenues including an electrostatic current, sound waves, and BioResonance frequencies.

Lymphatic Health is vital to overall health, disease prevention, and longevity.

Lymphatic Health is vital to overall

health, disease prevention, and longevity.

Lymphatic Enhancement Therapy

This is a highly effective therapeutic system, designed to detoxify soft tissue, bolster immune system function, and accelerate lymphatic flow through electro-biology devices that have been in use for over 120 years. This exclusive innovation is the pinnacle of this evolution.

This device emits a low energy vibration that is safe and relaxing to experience. It is an electronic device that uses therapy heads containing noble gases in glass tubes. The gases are ionized by a high voltage field at low current (amperage). The therapy heads emit various fields of energy when touched onto the skin.

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Lymphatic Enhancement Therapy

This is a highly effective therapeutic system, designed to detoxify soft tissue, bolster immune system function, and accelerate lymphatic flow through electro-biology devices that have been in use for over 120 years. This exclusive innovation is the pinnacle of this evolution.

This device emits a low energy vibration that is safe and relaxing to experience. It is an electronic device that uses therapy heads containing noble gases in glass tubes. The gases are ionized by a high voltage field at low current (amperage). The therapy heads emit various fields of energy when touched onto the skin.

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Lymphatic Enhancement Therapy

This is a highly effective therapeutic system, designed to detoxify soft tissue, bolster immune system function, and accelerate lymphatic flow through electro-biology devices that have been in use for over 120 years. This exclusive innovation is the pinnacle of this evolution.

This device emits a low energy vibration that is safe and relaxing to experience. It is an electronic device that uses therapy heads containing noble gases in glass tubes. The gases are ionized by a high voltage field at low current (amperage). The therapy heads emit various fields of energy when touched onto the skin.

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Lymphatic Enhancement Therapy Machine

The Lymphatic Enhancement Therapeutic Machine Works in Three Ways

Electrostatic Current

A safe, highly regulated electrostatic field. This is an electric current at extremely low amperage. This current activates the parasympathetic nervous system (turns off "fight or flight" response) and puts the body into a deeply relaxed state, allowing lymph vessels to relax and dilate. This current also ionizes the tissue, which causes waste that is collected and sitting in the soft tissue to break apart and move into the lymph system to be flushed out of the body. The effect is profoundly calming – especially for those suffering with anxiety / fear / emotionally connected issues to physical challenges.

Sound Waves

Frequencies (between 0 and 1,000 hz), as well as their harmonics are also emitted from the Aria. These sound waves oscillate through the whole spectrum of frequencies and harmonics to resonate in the body with specific organs and tissues, helping to restore them to a balanced state. These sound waves also have a mechanical effect on the waste in the tissue, colliding it to break it up.

Light Therapy

Near infrared, red LED, and blue light are also used. Near Infrared and red light help to reduce inflammation, swelling and discomfort. The blue light helps to balance the hormones in the body.

The Lymphatic Enhancement Therapeutic Machine Works in Three Ways

Electrostatic Current

A safe, highly regulated electrostatic field. This is an electric current at extremely low amperage. This current activates the parasympathetic nervous system (turns off "fight or flight" response) and puts the body into a deeply relaxed state, allowing lymph vessels to relax and dilate. This current also ionizes the tissue, which causes waste that is collected and sitting in the soft tissue to break apart and move into the lymph system to be flushed out of the body. The effect is profoundly calming – especially for those suffering with anxiety / fear / emotionally connected issues to physical challenges.

Sound Waves

Frequencies (between 0 and 1,000 hz), as well as their harmonics are also emitted from the Aria. These sound waves oscillate through the whole spectrum of frequencies and harmonics to resonate in the body with specific organs and tissues, helping to restore them to a balanced state. These sound waves also have a mechanical effect on the waste in the tissue, colliding it to break it up.

Light Therapy

Near infrared, red LED, and blue light are also used. Near Infrared and red light help to reduce inflammation, swelling and discomfort. The blue light helps to balance the hormones in the body.

The Lymphatic Enhancement Therapeutic Machine Works in Three Ways

Electrostatic Current

A safe, highly regulated electrostatic field. This is an electric current at extremely low amperage. This current activates the parasympathetic nervous system (turns off "fight or flight" response) and puts the body into a deeply relaxed state, allowing lymph vessels to relax and dilate. This current also ionizes the tissue, which causes waste that is collected and sitting in the soft tissue to break apart and move into the lymph system to be flushed out of the body. The effect is profoundly calming – especially for those suffering with anxiety / fear / emotionally connected issues to physical challenges.

Sound Waves

Frequencies (between 0 and 1,000 hz), as well as their harmonics are also emitted from the Aria. These sound waves oscillate through the whole spectrum of frequencies and harmonics to resonate in the body with specific organs and tissues, helping to restore them to a balanced state. These sound waves also have a mechanical effect on the waste in the tissue, colliding it to break it up.

Light Therapy

Near infrared, red LED, and blue light are also used. Near Infrared and red light help to reduce inflammation, swelling and discomfort. The blue light helps to balance the hormones in the body.

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